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How Can You Improve Your Employee Engagement?

“Your workforce is your army that will help you to win all the corporate battles.”

As the world is moving out of the pandemic zone, a noticeable change has been witnessed in the resignation rate of the employees. According to the UN Economic and Social Council, 55% of the employed workforce started looking for other jobs due to a lack of employee engagement. According to 2021 statistics, most of the organizations lost their most valuable human capital assets because they were not able to engage their employees properly. However, organizations have realized the need for employee engagement and have started working towards it. A new brack has been introduced in the Management of human resources that talks about employee engagement. And here are some things that an organization can follow to improve their employee engagement.

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What Can Be Done To Improve Employee Engagement?

The fundamental reason behind improving employee engagement is to avoid burnout and encourage productivity working. When employees feel belonged in an organization they treat the company’s growth as their personal growth. For staters to amplify employee engagement make sure that your employees are not burnt out. 

Deloitte conducted a research where they interviewed several managers and they found a pattern in all the employees who are willing to switch their jobs here are the things they found that can help improve the employee engagement:

Employees Should Love What They Do: 

An interesting path leads to productivity

It is common for employees to be assigned tasks they are not interested in, and the permission to reallocate those tasks is often refused since their manager is trying to teach them new things. However, in this process of learning the employees lose their interest and their productivity. 90% of the burnt-out cases are related to disinterest in work. So, to avoid this managers should reallocate tasks to the employees, or they should be given proper training to complete the task. Managers have to get innovative in their ways to get the work done meanwhile making sure that their employees are not burning out themselves. 

Employee Engagement with We360.ai

Make Work Less Stressful: 

Stress Is Archnimises Of Productivity

It is essential for the managers to make working stress free, as when a person undergoes stress their body released Cortisol hormone which might cloud a person’s judgment and a clouded judgment is not an employee's productivity. So, it is advisable that managers should allot tasks to employees with at least a deadline of two weeks or depending on the task, so they don’t have to rush or overburden themselves to meet the racing deadlines. HR should conduct stress management workshops and should regularly check the workload of the workforce, for better employee engagement. 

An organization's human capital is its most valuable asset, and ensuring that the asset is taken care of is key to getting the best return on investment. And to do that you have to make sure of the following points:

  • There is no internal groupism in your workspace. 
  • There is no corporate politics taking place in your workspace.
  • To maintain a healthy competition between your employees. 
  • Employees should take proper breaks during their working hours. 

Creating a stress-free and transparent environment very important for a productive workspace, where employees do not fear to open up and be the best versions of themselves. 

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Reward Your Employees With Time: 

Time Is Money!

It is often said that time is money, but now it’s time to change the metaphoric meaning of this idiom into a literal one. As it is suggested to increase employee engagement managers should reward their employees with the day off and weeks off rather than bonuses. This way the employees will get the rest they need which will indirectly add onto to their productivity. Plus they will get an ample amount of free time which they can invest. 

Research says the “surge capacity” of an employee's brain starts diminishing, due to the monotonous functioning of a human brain. So, to break the loop of being burnout managers should reward their employees with some day-offs, it really helps them to release isotonic which is a happy hormone. Which helps your human brain to function effectively. 

This way you can improve your employee engagement and employee productivity. Founders build an organization but the workspace keeps it running, so it is essential to take care of your human capital. As statistics say that 60% of the returns of an organisation are sought by the human capital and Human Capital index in the fastest way of taking your organisation to the next level. So, don’t give reasons to your employees to look for another mode of employment. 


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